Romanian Government: Private Companies Must Support the Vaccination Campaign

Romanian government vaccination companies

The Romanian government is asking for the help of private companies so that the entire vaccination campaign can be carried out at a much more alert pace than until now, and of course it will not be easy to see something like this, even if a lot of people want it.

The Romanian government: says that only with the support of Romanian companies we can reach the first relaxation of the restrictions on June 1st, so it remains to be seen how many companies will be willing to participate in the vaccination campaign in our country.

"I appeal to the private sector, to entrepreneurs, to support the vaccination campaign against COVID-19. A common effort is needed, the involvement of private companies in Romania and each of us to be able to reopen the economy starting June 1, 2021.
There will be no generalized lockdown in Romania. We are moving in the direction of reopening the economy, but with this condition: let's all get vaccinated!
I have presented to the members of the Government, and the decision to establish the Interministerial Committee will be published in the Official Gazette, which will prepare Romania's return to normality starting on June 1, 2021, under health and safety conditions for citizens."