Facebook Messenger Favorite by Many Instagram Users

Facebook Messenger Favorite by Many Instagram Users

Facebook Messenger is preferred by many users of Instagram, and this can be seen from the fact that 60% of those who use the second platform decided to connect with the first one in order to be able to communicate more easily with people from all over the world.

Facebook Messenger is adopted by many more Instagram users than even the Facebook company expected, the very large number of those who chose to connect the two platforms taking the American company by surprise.

Facebook Messenger offers many more options on the messaging side compared to Instagram, only that linking the two only allows communication between platforms, not the use of functions between them on users' phones.

“The fact that people are upgrading at the rate they update on Instagram suggests that our thesis was correct and that people are definitely buying in comfort. We are exceeding our expectations in terms of how quickly and how many people are upgrading.”