WhatsApp: Official Trick Released for All iPhone and Android

WhatsApp time

WhatsApp is by far the largest messaging platform in the world, with over 2 billion people using it every day to chat with any of their friends. For all these users, WhatsApp has officially launched a new function that can be an extremely useful trick to listen more quickly to the messages you receive from any of your friends, the appearance of the function being revealed quite some time ago .

WhatsApp has been working for several months to offer this new functionality for the dedicated iPhone and Android application, and from now on all users can enjoy it. According to the official information provided by WhatsApp for everyone, users have three settings for playing voice messages, one for normal speed, one for 1.5 times increased speed, and one with doubled speed, so you can choose whatever you want .

WhatsApp: Official Trick Released for All iPhone and Android

WhatsApp time speed voice messages

WhatsApp implemented this functionality because a lot of people send voice messages to different people, so something like this was needed for those who do that. Some voice messages can be very long, so not everyone has a few minutes to wait to listen to an entire message, and WhatsApp has found the solution for this in the form of offering options for changing the playback speed of the voice messages we receive.

WhatsApp has implemented this new functionality as a useful trick that anyone can use on iPhone and Android at the moment, and the idea behind its use is to make our lives easier. WhatsApp has sufficiently tested this new feature before releasing it to everyone, so theoretically we should have an excellent user experience, so you shouldn't have any problems with it.

WhatsApp will also release other important functions in the near future for everyone, so we just have to see what will be available in the near future from the company.