The surprise from the Romanian Post, which many Romanians did not know

Romanian Post surprise personalized stamps

The Romanian Post has a surprising announcement for Romanians all over the country, and that's because it decided to offer them something that no one thought was possible, but here it comes as something that anyone could take advantage of, if they need it.

The Romanian Post tells Romanians all over the country that if they are going to have a wedding, then they can personalize their invitation envelopes with stamps containing their pictures, something unique that will more than likely attract the attention of the guests who receive them.

"The MyMark service offers clients (individuals or legal entities) the opportunity to use personalized images to create stamp-type labels that can be pasted on envelopes with correspondence sent on various occasions (invitations to special events, business events, etc.)

MyMark personalized stamp type labels have no postal value and cannot be used to pay for the Romanian Post's correspondence services.
In order to send personalized postal items with MyMark stamp type labels, it is necessary to pay the postal services according to the rates in force."