Warning from the Romanian Police for Millions of Romanians

Attention Romanian police, bicycles

The Romanian Police has issued an extremely serious warning that targets millions of Romanians from all over the country, one that should be taken into account by both parents who have children under 14 years old, as well as those who end up taking care of them.

The Romanian Police say that it is not allowed by road legislation for children under the age of 14 to ride a bicycle on public roads, and when a child over 14 years old is walking with a parent, he should do it in front of his , not in parallel with it.

"Dear parents, did you know that...?
Are children not allowed to cycle on public roads if they are under 14?
If you are accompanied by a child (over 14 years old), it is recommended that he walk in front of you, not parallel!
The child does what it sees with you, so don't cross the pedestrian crossing while you're on your bike!
Sport makes you stronger and keeps you healthy!"