iPhone 14: Apple's Giant Leap for New Phones

iPhone 14 jump

iPhone 14, the next generation of phones that Apple is already working on in its laboratories in various areas around the world, is to be launched with a huge technological leap compared even to iPhone 13, which will be launched in the fall of this year.

The iPhone 14 would be launched by Apple with an A16 chip that would be produced using a 4 nm manufacturing process, a substantial advance compared to this year's A15, which would be manufactured using a 5 nm production.

The iPhone 14 will benefit from a major technological leap with this new manufacturing process, and this while Apple will use in 2020 the same manufacturing process that it uses in last year's processors, something that is not exactly common, but this is what happens.

"Apple's iPad will likely be the first devices powered by processors made using 3nm technology, sources said. The next generation of iPhones, due to be released next year, is expected to use the 4nm intermediate technology for scheduling reasons.”