Android: Google's Official Decision Affecting Phones

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Android is the most used operating system for mobile phones, tablets, and other interconnected devices, and an official decision by Google affects the vast majority of them. More precisely, Google decided that this month's security update for Android will be released a little later than usual, and this is because of America's Day, which is taking place today, but even so, the release of the update is delayed Safety.

Android has this change made by Google and officially announced by the American company, but luckily things are not as bad as some might imagine. More precisely, Google is delaying the release of security updates for Android by 3 days, so that all those who have phones with this operating system will have only a few days of delay and vulnerability until they are properly protected from problems.

Android: Google's Official Decision Affecting Phones

Android receives security updates at the beginning of each month with which Google tries to protect customers from any kind of problems that can affect their mobile devices. Although the security update is released by Google on Wednesday, July 7, only Pixel phones will be able to install it because these Android updates are initially distributed to them because they are the only ones that benefit from this from Google.

Android has these updates distributed for other phone models as well, but it all depends on the manufacturers who have to offer them for the models they have for sale, or have already sold. These updates are very important for Android because they are meant to keep people safe, but sometimes it can take up to a few weeks before Asian companies think about giving their customers the protection they need.

Android will, therefore, have the new update distributed by Google from now on, and all those with Pixel phones will see notifications in this regard, while the rest will have to wait for them from the manufacturers of their phones.