Valeriu Gheorghita: Romania Close to a New Increase in the Number of Cases

Valeriu Gheorghita confirms today that Romania is approaching a new increase in the number of new cases of Coronavirus, and this is because the basal reproduction rate of cases is almost 1, increasing compared to last week, which means that the number of cases is constant .

Valeriu Gheorghita says that after this indicator exceeds the value of 1, the number of cases starts to increase from one week to the next, and the Delta version of the Coronavirus can cause an accelerated increase in the number of new cases among the population.

"It is close to 1. When it reaches 1, practically from one week to another the number of cases is constant. When it increases above 1 – 1,1; 1,2; 1,3 - from one week to another, we have an increase in the number of cases."