BCR Romania: IMPORTANT Official News for All Customers

BCR Romania restoration

BCR Romania has published a very important official news that targets all Romanians throughout the country, and if you are among those who use the bank's services, then you should know what is happening. The people from BCR Romania say that if you need to change one of the cards already issued by the bank, then you will be able to choose to receive it at home, and from the George application you can do this whole procedure and select the delivery address.

BCR Romania has greatly simplified processes of this kind to allow Romanians to enjoy a much better experience when it comes to changing the bank cards they use. This also means that now we can do everything from the mobile banking application without going to any of the BCR Romania locations in our country, and thus we greatly simplify this process of replacing an expired card.

BCR Romania: IMPORTANT Official News for All Customers

BCR Romania has updated the George application for iPhone and Android for some time to facilitate this functionality, so that anyone interested in enjoying these services can do so. The integration within the George application of the functions that allow us to issue expired cards so that we can have them delivered at home is a change that not only BCR Romania makes in a mobile banking application, but it is something that we have also seen from other banks.

BCR Romania knows very well how important it is for its customers to be able to enjoy mobile banking services that are so simple and easy to use, everything being thought for a good customer experience. BCR Romania explains above, including in a tutorial, how all customers who are interested in renewing a card directly from the George application should proceed, so you now know what steps you should follow.

BCR Romania allows customers to do many more actions from the George application than many of them know, so you have to look at the list of functions that are offered.