The message of the Romanian Police, what a warning it has for drivers

The message of the Romanian Motorcycle Police

The Romanian Police has issued a warning message below that targets drivers from all over Romania at the moment, and as you can see, we are talking about a message that targets motorcyclists who travel on public roads throughout the country.

The Romanian Police is trying to convince them to pay attention to the way they behave in traffic in any kind of trip they make, and the message the authorities send is a very important one because it also targets car drivers.

"It is their season, of the two-wheeled traffic participants.
Ramona is "ONE" of the motor enthusiasts from Argeș county.
Along with the police, Ramona advises road mates to ensure themselves thoroughly when changing the direction of travel and to wear protective equipment.
Visibility is also very important, so keep your headlights on and avoid angles where you can't be seen in traffic.
We wish you a good road and dry asphalt!"