Samsung GALAXY S22: New Confirmation of a Major Change

Samsung GALAXY S22 power

Samsung GALAXY S22 has confirmed an extremely important change that many people have been waiting for for a long time, and things seem to be moving towards its implementation. Specifically, according to the latest information about the Samsung GALAXY S22, it seems that Samsung is quite serious about its intentions to offer customers a much better experience for charging mobile phones by increasing the speed to 65W.

The Samsung GALAXY S22 would make this huge technological leap starting next year so that all customers who want to buy the new mobile phone models can enjoy a good charging experience. By switching to fast charging at 65W, the Samsung company will offer customers with the Samsung GALAXY S22 the opportunity to enjoy a massive change that few of them expected for the new series of phones.

Samsung GALAXY S22: New Confirmation of a Major Change

Samsung GALAXY S22 is testing several technologies to increase the charging speed of the battery, and 65W is the maximum that Samsung is willing to test at the moment. This change for the Samsung GALAXY S22 series comes in the context where various Chinese manufacturers offer even more in terms of fast charging for the phones they sell, but of course in their case we are talking about much different technologies for the devices.

The Samsung GALAXY S22 must have this major change implemented without going back to the fiasco called the Samsung GALAXY Note 7, the phone whose batteries exploded and was found including in airplanes. Fast charging of a phone affects its battery over time, and if this technology will reach the Samsung GALAXY S22, then it is expected that it will really meet the expectations of customers, but very importantly, and safe for them.

Samsung GALAXY S22 is to be presented in the first part of next year by the Samsung company, and the expectations vis-à-vis it are huge from all points of view.