Facebook Obliges Employees to Get Vaccinated to Return to Work

Facebook obliges fake employees

Facebook has decided to force its employees from all over the world to get vaccinated before returning to work, a decision that will probably not be so well received by too many people, but the measure is logical in the context in which the Delta variant the Coronavirus is causing more and more problems.

For now, Facebook imposes this measure only for employees who are going to return to campus offices in the US, while in the case of those who return to work in other areas of the globe, things would have to be decided at a later date.

"Once our offices reopen, we will require vaccination of anyone coming to work at any of our US campuses. How we implement this policy will depend on local conditions and regulations. We will have a process for those who cannot be vaccinated for medical or other reasons and will evaluate our approach in other regions as the situation evolves. We continue to work with experts to ensure that the return to office plans prioritizes everyone's health and safety."