Romanian Police: New Warning Concerning Alcohol Consumption at the Wheel

Romanian police alcohol accident

The Romanian Police has issued a new warning regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages while driving on public roads and we are talking about a story centered on a man who was accidentally found to be under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

The Romanian Police presents the story with the idea of ​​convincing Romanians that they should not consume alcoholic beverages and drive on public roads, especially since when they ask for help from the authorities they may be found to have consumed alcohol.

"Hello, Mr. Policeman!
Please help me because I had an accident with this gentleman.
A few minutes later…
Now that I've clarified all the circumstances that led to the accident, I'm going to test both of you with the breathalyzer.
Of course!
The test result, for the one who reported the accident: 0,47 mg/l of pure alcohol in the exhaled air, subsequently a criminal case was drawn up, regarding the offense of driving a vehicle under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
There is a lesson to be learned from this experience!
Yes! Don't drink alcohol, and then get behind the wheel!"