The Milky Way: INCREDIBLE Announcement for the Future of Mankind

Milky way shot

The Milky Way is at the center of an incredible announcement that targets the future of all humanity, and this is because we are talking about a huge danger that is inevitable for the Earth, but also for humanity as we know it. Specifically, ESA scientists used the Gaia space observatory to estimate when and how a collision between the Milky Way and a nearby galaxy will occur, and this could substantially affect humanity when it does. .

Throughout its history, the Milky Way has gone through several collisions that have defined the way it looks at the moment, through these collisions taking over many stars and planets from other galaxies. According to ESA scientists, the Milky Way is going to go through a collision with the neighboring Andromeda galaxy, scientists trying to find out how the cosmic objects in the two galaxies will be affected when this event takes place.

The Milky Way: INCREDIBLE Announcement for the Future of Mankind

Milky way andromeda hit

The Milky Way is going to have a collision in which the Andromeda galaxy will not hit our galaxy "in full", but will hit it somewhere on its edge, so the impact this event will have will not be as great. On the other hand, it seems that this collision will not take place in 3.9 billion years, as originally calculated, but somewhere in 4.5 billion years, so later than scientists estimated and it remains to be seen how it will be affected The Milky Way by her.

"We needed to explore the motions of galaxies in 3D to discover how they grew and evolved and what creates and influences their features and behavior. We analyzed the Gaia data to identify thousands of individual stars in both galaxies and studied how these stars moved in their galactic homes. While Gaia primarily aims to study the Milky Way, it is powerful enough to observe particularly massive and bright stars in nearby star-forming regions – even in galaxies beyond our own.”

The Milky Way will therefore be at the center of an impact with the Andromeda galaxy, but the effect could be much smaller than was anticipated a few decades ago, and this is excellent news for humanity. Considering that the impact will be smaller and more towards a side area in the Milky Way galaxy, it is possible that the Earth will not be affected too much, but if in 4.5 billion years humanity will reach beyond our planet, then who knows how the colonists will be affected.

The Milky Way has gone through several serious collisions with various objects in the universe throughout its existence, but this one with Andromeda will not be one of the most serious so far.