Romanian Post: Warning regarding Fragile Parcels Sent

Romanian Post Attention Fragile parcels sent

The Romanian Post has a very important warning message for all its customers from all over Romania, and this is because it is trying to warn them about sending parcels that contain fragile objects inside, which need additional protection.

The Romanian Post says that fragile objects should be protected both inside and outside so that they are not accidentally destroyed during transport, so it would be good to pay attention to how you ship these types of products.

“Are you going to ship a more fragile item that could break or bend easily?
Don't forget to protect it both inside and out!
Pack it in a tin, wooden or cardboard box with protective material inside and, most importantly, choose the FRAGIL additional service from #PoștaRomână.
If you have any questions about our postal services, please send us a private message!
We are here for you, #ParteDinViataTa!”