COVID-19 Romania: The Importance of Vaccination for All Romanians

COVID-19 Romania The importance of vaccination for all Romanians

CNCAV presents below the story of a romance that was vaccinated against the Coronavirus and had a mild form of the disease, but also the state in which it is at the moment, 6 months after the recall for the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

""Anti Spike antibodies developed after administration of the Pfizer vaccine!
- beginning of December 2020 - I say NO to vaccination. Why? Because I bought into the internet nonsense without informing myself.
- end of December 2020 - on the recommendation of the family doctor, I accept the idea of ​​vaccination... but further...
- January 6, 2021, the mother of a good friend arrives in the hospital and after 5 days, on January 11, 2021, she leaves us... even now I can't believe how quickly this damn virus finished a strong and lively man. He hadn't left the house much, he was waiting for the vaccine...
– January 15, 2021, the family doctor asks me if I want to be vaccinated and without any hesitation I say YES. I am lucky enough to be scheduled on January 20th for my first dose of Pfizer.
– I call my friends, colleagues, everyone to whom I told that I don't vaccinate to tell them that I've changed my mind...
– January 20, 2021 – I take the first dose with Pfizer without adverse effects;
– January 26 – I enter quarantine, I had no symptoms at all.
-January 27, in the evening, 7 days after the first dose – I have a fever of 37 and I lose my sense of smell. The next day I had nothing except no smell. I spent 14 days in quarantine and read a lot. I understood how the vaccine works and 2 days after I came out of quarantine I did my booster. I wasn't tested but it's clear that I had COVID-19. An extremely easy form because the vaccine fights alongside me. However, I'm not the man I used to be, I smell from time to time and there are aromas that I don't detect. I have trouble concentrating and get tired easily.
-February 10, 2021 – I do the reminder two days after I came out of quarantine. Adverse effects: 2 days fever 37,4.
– February 22, 12 days after the booster – I do my tests for the quantitative determination of the Anti Spike antibody titer and see that I have more than 40.000 AU/ml. The value at which you are considered to have antibodies is > 50 AU/ml and the value at which you are considered to be protected is 3950 AU/ml. I was way over the max.
- August 10, 2021, 6 months after the reminder - I repeat the analysis. I have 3075 AU/ml.
I'm still protected and anyway the cells have memorized the "enemy" and will make antibodies if I meet him again, so I won't end up in the hospital.
Meanwhile, another special man left…. .
Do you not vaccinate? It's your choice, but... follow the rules!!!!
The virus does not forgive you!
Health to all! And…don't relax, the nightmare is not over!
PS if another dose is needed I will do it without any hesitation. There is no other solution!"