Romanian Police: Message Regarding Respecting the Speed ​​Limit on the Highway

Romanian police message highway speed limits

The Romanian Police sends a very important message to Romanians from all over the country who drive on the highways, regardless of whether they are going towards the sea or to another region, and asks them to respect the speed limits that are imposed in their various areas.

The Romanian Police has also created a video clip as part of the campaign through which it tries to make Romanian drivers understand that they must respect the legal speed limits when driving on Romanian highways, regardless of the region in which they do so.

"The sea is there, it doesn't go anywhere! DO NOT speed up if you want to see it live, otherwise you risk only being left with a "HOSPITAL VIEW".
Campaign carried out at national level, through which drivers must be aware of the risks they expose themselves to when they do not keep their distance in traffic, do not adapt their speed to the road conditions and above all, do not respect the speed limit."