How Vaccines Were Made So Quickly and the Danger of the Delta Variant

How Vaccines Were Made So Quickly and the Danger of the Delta Variant

Vaccines against COVID-19 have been developed in record time, and this has raised many question marks among many people, but below you have an explanation of the reasons thanks to which their development was so fast.

More than that, you also have the testimony of a doctor from the USA regarding the danger posed by the Delta variant of the Coronavirus for young people, who are more and more often in hospitals during this period and develop much more serious forms than thought.

"a clip from Louisiana State University in the USA, which tries to answer the question - how was the vaccine ready so quickly?
they say that the Romanian gets upset if you don't invite him to the party and doesn't come if you invite him.
if the town hall is surprised by the first snow and doesn't have the anti-slip equipment and material ready - we get upset (rightly so)!
if the town hall has everything ready ahead of time, we become suspicious and wonder how the mayor knew to prepare the snow removal equipment
how come the vaccine was ready so quickly? there are teams of researchers who have anticipated that we will have an epidemic and have been working on vaccines for a long time – because that is their job!
is anyone around suspicious that you are doing your job "too well"?
what is your job?
let's all do our jobs and trust the other professionals!"