Valeriu Gheorghita: Hidden Threat in the 4th Wave in Romania

Valeriu Gheorghita spoke these days about the 4th wave of the Coronavirus in Romania, and as you know our country has already been "hit" by it, but he also spoke about a hidden threat, that of vaccinated Romanians who can infect other people without knowing if he does not follow the rules of prevention.

Valeriu Gheorghita asks Romanians to respect all the rules of prevention against the Coronavirus, whether they are vaccinated or not, but especially the vaccinated because there is a risk of transmitting the virus to loved ones, and for now it is not known how big it is .

"We need a longer monitoring period, but it is certain that a person when tested positive has a risk of transmission, but compared to the unvaccinated we do not know if it is a similar risk or is lower. In our opinion, according to the current data, it seems that this risk is lower, but, again, we cannot say this with certainty.

That is precisely why, I think that in the end we have to understand that, in the current context, in which the number of cases is increasing, it is very important to respect the other preventive measures, regardless of whether we have been vaccinated or not , because in this way we reduce the circulation of the virus.

At the moment when we will have more accumulated data, as happened, for example, with the Alpha strain and we had enough data to say that we can give up the mask, I think that for the Delta variant we also have to be cautious and wait the results of this data from everyday life, on secondary transmission, on secondary cases. At the moment, not knowing things for sure, it is good to be cautious, cautious and respect the preventive measures, even if we are vaccinated."