Two New Changes from WhatsApp Made for Phones

new changes WhatsApp voice messages

WhatsApp continues the series of changes it makes for phones, so we see from the American company new changes implemented for users who use its platform now. More precisely, WhatsApp decided to make changes this time for the way audio messages are recorded and sent by people, and below you can see how the new interface elements look like that are offered for phones with the Android operating system .

WhatsApp makes these changes in secret, away from the eyes of regular users who use the application on their own phones, but those who have access to them reveal the changes that will be offered to us. Those from WhatsApp are changing the interface for recording audio messages on Android, as they have already done in the beta version of the iPhone application, so that we can see a real-time animation with the intensity of the voice, but also a button to stop the recording.

Two New Changes from WhatsApp Made for Phones

listening to whatsapp voice messages

WhatsApp has also implemented the option to listen more easily to any of the voice recordings we want to send, the process being much simplified compared to what was offered until now. Below you can see the button to enable listening to a voice recording before sending it, and separately from that we see a less notable change, namely the modification of the sound of the animation for starting a voice recording via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp makes all these changes in the beta versions of the applications for iPhone and Android phones, so anyone who wants to test them must have access to these applications. Unfortunately, the testing process for iPhone is closed by WhatsApp, and in the case of Android phones, there is a special page through which you can install the beta version of the application, but unfortunately this will not work as well as you imagine.

WhatsApp will release these changes when they are 100% ready to be offered, regardless of how long it takes for this to happen.