The Black Hole: A STUNNING New Premiere for All of Mankind

Gaura Neagra supernova

The black hole, the most dangerous and mysterious object in the universe, is at the center of a new first that was revealed by scientists today, and it continues to amaze with the mysteries that are being discovered. For the first time in human history, scientists have managed to observe a premature supernova involving a black hole, this being the first time in history that this has been observed and it is something truly impressive.

The black hole that scientists have been monitoring to be able to see such an event triggered a new type of supernova that no one has seen before. The researchers are of the opinion that the supernova was based on a black hole, or a companion star for the one that exploded, and if until now they have only observed stars that explode by themselves, now they have also seen an explosion generated by another object.

The Black Hole: A STUNNING New Premiere for All of Mankind

The black hole was discovered in an area of ​​the universe from which unknown radio signals were coming, scientists analyzing the area more carefully to discover that there are the remains of an explosion. Trying to find out what happened hundreds of years ago, they observed both a black hole and another star in that region, and from here the theory arose that the black hole was the one that destroyed the star.

"Massive stars usually explode as supernovae when they run out of nuclear fuel. But in this case, an invading black hole or neutron star prematurely triggered its companion star to explode. This is the first time a fusion-triggered supernova has ever been confirmed. The X-ray transient was an unusual event – ​​it signaled that a relativistic jet had been launched at the time of the explosion. And the bright radio glow indicated that material from that explosion later collapsed into a massive torus of dense gas that had been ejected from the star centuries earlier. These two events have never been associated with each other and are, on their own, very rare.”

The black hole would have begun to slowly devour the companion star of the one that became a supernova, "swallowing" its atmosphere and throwing gas jets into the universe, which forced the two stars to approach each other. This process initiated by the black hole generated such a close proximity between the two stars until one of them was transformed into a supernova, and this is how the attention of scientists was drawn.

The black hole was not believed until now to be able to be at the center of such a process, so we are talking about a really impressive revelation for people all over the world.