Coronavirus: Images of Lungs Affected by Severe Forms

Coronavirus Images Lungs Affected Severe Forms

Images of the lungs affected by the severe forms of the Coronavirus were published by the CNCAV for Romanians who still avoid getting vaccinated, or to protect themselves, they were provided by the Victor Babes Hospital in Bucharest following 3D tomography scans done for 4 unvaccinated patients, but infected.

"Don't play with your health!
Computed tomography scans with three-dimensional reconstruction of four unvaccinated patients, sick with COVID-19, recently admitted to the Clinical Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Victor Babeș" in Bucharest.
The disease COVID-19 does not take into account age and more and more young people have ended up being admitted to intensive care.
Listen to the doctors advice!
Vaccination remains the best solution for protection against COVID-19!
By vaccination against COVID-19:
- the risk of infection is reduced;
- the risk of virus transmission is reduced;
– the risk of hospitalization is considerably reduced;
- the risk of death is considerably reduced.
Choose to get vaccinated now!
Date: September 9, 2021
Source: Clinical Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Victor Babeș" from Bucharest"