Valeriu Gheorghita: Warning and Decision for Wave 4

Valeriu Gheorghita spoke today about a very important decision that was taken in the midst of the 4th wave of Coronavirus infections in Romania and warns people that there is no clarification regarding the "validity" of the antibodies that people have.

Valeriu Gheorghita says that people who still have an asymptomatic form of the Coronavirus are in danger of not making antibodies, or of making few and losing them very easily, and for the third dose the decision was made to prioritize people who are vulnerable to to protect them.

"They had an asymptomatic form... We know that people who have asymptomatic forms, in a significant percentage, do not develop antibodies or even if they do, they are lost very easily. There is no official term anywhere. There is no set deadline – six months, seven months, eight months.

The immune response is much more complex in terms of reactivity to a particular infection, which is why we, again, talk about the tendency to see more cases in vaccinated people after a time interval and look and which of these people get these infections more often.

At the moment we know that the immunosuppressed and the elderly have a higher risk of getting these infections, even if they are vaccinated. That is why they will be prioritized for the first stage in which we will start administering a booster dose."