Valeriu Gheorghita: The Huge Risk for Romanians from the 4th Wave

Valeriu Gheorghita talks about a huge risk that many Romanians are subject to in the fourth wave of coronavirus infections, and many ignore it even though they should not do this because they are putting their lives in serious danger at the moment of face.

Valeriu Gheorghita talks about the risk of not respecting the preventive measures imposed by the authorities in Romania, and ignoring them can lead to infection with very serious forms of the virus, something that can be extremely serious for many people.

"The risk exists, we are not talking about zero risks or one hundred percent risks. We are talking about a lower risk or a higher risk. That is precisely why, in the context in which we are talking about the Delta variant, it is important that the vaccinated people also respect the other preventive measures, as it was until now.

We know very clearly that in Romania such decisions have not been taken to differentiate, if you will, certain non-pharmaceutical measures for vaccinated versus non-vaccinated persons, only in the situation where we were talking about closed spaces, offices, in which the possibility was practically foreseen that people vaccinated with the full schedule, if there was no more than 5, could also stay without a mask. Why? For the same reason I told you. But we were talking about the Alpha variant, it was a strain that had a different behavior towards the immune response after vaccination.

Compliance with other preventive measures is the main barrier that limits the spread of the virus. These two measures, the non-pharmaceutical ones, and I repeat them: mask, physical distancing, hygiene, airing the rooms, avoiding overcrowded areas, avoiding non-essential travel, together with vaccination, decrease, on the one hand, the probability of getting infected and, in case in which we get infected, to make an asymptomatic form or a mild form of the disease and not end up making those serious forms, end up in the hospital, clog the medical system, interrupt economic and social activities and so on. So, I repeat, it is a matter of understanding – the sooner we understand this, the more we will be able to control the epidemiological situation in our country."