BCR Romania: Important LAST-MINUTE Announcement for Customers

BCR Romania impact

BCR Romania sends a very important last-minute announcement aimed at all its clients from all over Romania, and if you are among them, then you should know right now what is happening. More precisely, the people from BCR Romania convey to the clients from all over Romania the fact that during this evening a series of maintenance works will take place because some of the services offered by the bank will not be available for a few hours.

BCR Romania does not say what is the real cause of this situation, but states that everything has to do with a series of maintenance works that took place on Sunday, and now these changes are being made. Based on the changes made by BCR Romania to its services, it seems that between 23:30 p.m. and 01:30 a.m. the George Web and App, Click and Touch 24 Banking services will not be available, so if you need them, that's fine know that you will not be able to use them.

BCR Romania: Important LAST-MINUTE Announcement for Customers

BCR Romania customer impact

BCR Romania still conveys the fact that we will be able to use its ATMs, including the multifunctional ones, during this period, and payments at the POS should be able to be made without problems during this period. Even if BCR Romania says that there should be no problems with ATMs and POS during the period in which these maintenance works take place, it is still good to be prepared for possible situations in which you cannot use these services.

BCR Romania does not regularly carry out maintenance works that have such a big impact on the services it offers, but even when it does, it is good to keep them in mind because they can bring many major news. BCR Romania says, however, that during this entire period any of the clients in Romania can contact the bank to ask for help with any kind of problems they may have, so it is good to keep this in mind as it is important.

BCR Romania offers on its website more important information regarding what its clients should know in situations like this, so you can go there to find out everything you should know.