BCR Romania: IMPORTANT Changes Announced to Customers Now

BCR Romania customization

BCR Romania has announced a series of important changes that are offered to all customers throughout Romania, and this is because they can be enjoyed by any of those who use its services. More precisely, those from BCR Romania have officially announced that they have updated the George application for iPhone and Android phones, the new version coming with a changed interface so that the experience enjoyed by customers is a much better one.

BCR Romania launched the new version of the application for iPhone and Android just yesterday for customers who use George, so anyone can install it right now to enjoy its changes. BCR Romania says that the improvement of the interface that was launched for everyone now also comes with the possibility to customize the way it looks at the moment and what I can see when I open it.

BCR Romania: IMPORTANT Changes Announced to Customers Now

BCR Romania surprises with this very good change it makes for the application dedicated to mobile phones, but this is not the only improvement that is offered to us. The people at BCR Romania decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea if they allowed Romanian customers to also issue bank statements through the George application, so you can do it directly from your own mobile phone right now in Romania without any problem.

BCR Romania tries to constantly update its George application in order to offer all clients only the best possible experiences when it comes to managing their bank accounts. An interface change of this kind has not been made for some time for BCR Romania customers, especially since it also comes with an improvement for the customization mode, so the news is good for everyone at this time.

BCR Romania will continue to improve the application in the coming months, so we just have to wait and see what else the bank will offer us for account management.