Coronavirus: WARNING Doctors Regarding Medicines to Treat Infection

Coronavirus WARNING Doctors Regarding Medicines Treating Infection

The situation of the Corona virus pandemic is so serious in Romania that doctors are forced to warn Romanians about some combinations of medicines that they make, but which unfortunately can prove to be extremely dangerous.

Below, the well-known doctor Mihai Craiu warns Romanians not to combine Azithromycin, or other macrolides, with antihistamines and Ventolin, possibly hydroxychloroquine, because these combinations can have devastating effects on the body.

"The doctors' message: DON'T TREAT YOURSELF ANYMORE!!!
Now that the number of patients with an acute illness (COVID-19 and others) has increased impressively, there is a huge pressure on the Romanian medical system. All his inabilities come to the surface. All inappropriate measures are settled now.
I am asking you from the bottom of my heart: stop treating yourself, alone, at home, according to "famous" recipes circulating on the net.
The potentially DEADLY combination is now being taken by thousands of people in Romania, often without any medical consultation:
Azithromycin or other macrolide + Antihistamines + Ventolin.
Possibly also hydroxychloroquine.
YOU CAN DIE FROM THIS TREATMENT if you take it yourself without medical advice.
What do the medical protocols say?
1. Azithromycin can have severe interactions with other drugs, greatly increasing cardiac toxicity. First on the list is hydroxychloroquine.
2. It is known that combining Azithromycin with some antihistamines can increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmia by prolonging the QTc interval on the EKG. Arrhythmia can occur even in the apparently healthy person. This particular arrhythmia is called torsade de pointes...
3. Ventolin/salbutamol can be cardiac toxic and produce agitation and tachycardia, even in perfectly healthy individuals…
Stop self-medicating because there are deadly risks!!!
Dr. Mihai Craiu, primary pediatric physician at the National Institute for Mother and Child Health "Alessandrescu-Rusescu""