Valeriu Gheorghita: Scary announcement in the Wave 4 Crisis

Valeriu Gheorghita Scary Announcement Wave 4 Crisis

Valeriu Gheorghita sends a frightening announcement in the midst of the crisis of the 4th wave of infections in Romania, and this is because the situation is so serious that the president of the vaccination campaign compares the situation in which our country is now to that of Italy in the first wave of Coronavirus.

Valeriu Gheorghita says that this critical situation in which Romania finds itself can only be overcome if enough Romanians are vaccinated against the Coronavirus as soon as possible, which of course will not happen with the intensity desired by the doctors, so there are still many weeks to go many new cases daily.

"I am afraid that we are already in this scenario of Italy. It is as obvious as possible that hospitals and emergency units are being assaulted, overwhelmed by patients with Covid, leaving aside the other categories of diseases, emergencies, burns, road accidents.

We are talking about a large percentage of hesitant people, percentage of people for whom the false information transmitted had an impact. The lifting of restrictions contributed to demotivation. All the more so since the epidemiological situation was very good.

Let's not be fooled by information from obscure sources, from people who appeared overnight and we don't know who they are. Let's not let our guard down. Let's understand that if we don't stand in solidarity and don't respect the preventive measures, it will be extremely complicated to overcome this wave 4. We can increase the number of ATI beds as much as we want, expand the hospitalization capacity, the fight will not be won that way.

We look at all the health systems far better than ours, they have all been overwhelmed by the number of cases. Delta generates thousands of cases a day. Without compliance with preventive measures, rules - hygiene, mask, physical distancing and vaccination, we cannot win this fight. Every person who gets vaccinated today will enable other patients with other diseases to be admitted to hospitals, will leave a free bed for them."