Raed Arafat: The message for Horeca in full Wave 4 of Infections

Raed Arafat Horeca Message Wave 4 Infectari

Raed Arafat spoke about Horeca's wishes in full wave 4 of infections caused by the Coronavirus, saying that unlike other waves, during this period it was not decided to close restaurants, hotels, bars, cafes, etc.

Raed Arafat says that the pandemic waves will never be able to be controlled if rules are not imposed to restrict activities in the Horeca industry, but after a year and a half of restrictions, it is expected that people will be dissatisfied, but the main problem is the lack of vaccinations in high percentages.

"We cannot fight the pandemic and when we reach the stage where we are now at the wishes of the HoReCa industry - I'm sorry! So the HoReCa industry, at every turn, had upsets and was not satisfied and we all understood, the Government also understood, everyone understood.

At this moment, the HoReCa industry continues to operate, the restaurants have not closed, the cafes have not closed, the hotels have not closed, but some rules have been put in place. The HoReCa industry must understand that if this was not done in this way, in this phase it would be closed.

But they were not closed, some rules were set. If the HoReCa industry wants to tell us now to leave the situation to 10 so that they can do all the conferences and courses and business as usual, it means that we will never control the situation.

So they also need to understand our part that is fighting this pandemic, and we are fighting this virus and its effects. We have reached a phase where it will have to be controlled at this point. The control was chosen not to be done through a total lockdown, but still certain measures must be implemented."