Cseke Attila: What is the Main Purpose of the Digital Green Certificate

Cseke Attila, the interim Minister of Development and Health, spoke after yesterday's Government meeting about the diggital green certificate and what is its main purpose, that is to facilitate the free travel of people, as it was thought by the Commission European.

Cseke Attila says that in the alternative, the digital green certificate could also be used to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, but for now the project that would impose its use in Romania is blocked in the Parliament and is far from being completed.

"In this field, I think we should return to the specialty side a lot. I don't think political comments and statements help. This legislative project, of which I am the initiator, was largely prepared and existed in the Ministry of Health.

It was not promoted by the previous leadership of the Ministry of Health, so I think that coming now and saying: 'we want, we want, we want', but when we could we did not promote this legislative project, I think it is a bit wrong.

Anyway, in the specialized committee of the Chamber of Deputies, formulas will have to be found by which this green certificate will achieve the goal that we all want, or at least those who initiated it and I believe that the responsible political forces in Romania, namely, that of facilitating the free movement of the person, this is the destination or the main purpose of the certificate, as it is thought at the European level.

And, on the other hand, of course, to facilitate, if you want, the fight against the pandemic, and here the solutions will have to be found from a professional point of view. I would not like to make a statement, there will be a lot of amendments, some of them I have already seen, I am also preparing amendments, as a member of the Parliament."