Planet Saturn: Mankind Amazed, what the Scientists Revealed

Saturn Planet Mankind SURPRISED Revealed People Science

The planet Saturn is the second largest in the solar system, having impressive dimensions, and scientists have stunned humanity with an extremely important discovery made in connection with it now.

The planet Saturn is orbited by a series of moons, and scientists have discovered that one of them, which has the name Mimas, would hide an underground ocean that until now would not have been discovered based on the observations that were done.

The planet Saturn had the moon Mimas carefully analyzed by scientists to see if it is still active, from a geological point of view, or not, and the result was the surprising cannon. Unlike the moon Enceladus, near the planet Saturn, which has geological activity on the surface that suggests the existence of an underground ocean, in the case of the moon Mimas, which has a surface covered with craters, such a hypothesis has not been taken into account until now.

The planet Saturn had until now in the month of Mimas what seemed to be just another frozen moon, but the scientists who have analyzed more carefully what is happening there, have come to the conclusion that in fact something different exists. NASA's Cassini space probe discovered the fact that the orbit that the Mimas moon follows around the planet would be uneven, so they came to the conclusion that it would be much more geologically active than previously thought.

The planet Saturn would generate gravitational interactions with the moon Mimas that would be so strong that it could generate the necessary heat to keep an underground ocean still active.

"Cassini measurements of Mimas' physical libration can be explained by either a non-hydrostatic core or a global liquid water ocean beneath a 24-31 km thick ice shell. An ocean in Mimas would be surprising given the lack of geological activity comparable to that seen on other ocean-bearing moons such as Europa and Enceladus, and therefore has important implications for the prevalence and identification of ocean worlds."

Of course, for now all these are just theories, but scientists are quite sure of what they observed thanks to the analyzes made for the data that the Cassini space probe sent to Earth, and the discovery is an extremely important one for humanity.

The planet Saturn would basically have two moons that could host life, in various forms, but new missions with specially equipped space probes are needed to confirm or deny these hypotheses.