Coronavirus Romania: New Number of Confirmed Cases on January 22, 2022

Coronavirus Romania Noul Numar Cazurilor Confirmate 22 Ianuarie 2022

Coronavirus genereaza record, dupa record, de infectari in Romania in aceasta saptamana, iar asta in conditiile in care varianta Omicron produce tot mai multe cazuri noi din cauza ratei reduse de vaccinare din Romania, iar cel mai probabil si din cauza nerespectarii regulilor privind prevenirea raspandirii.

Coronavirus infecteaza tot mai multe, si mai multe, persoane din Romania in aceasta perioada, dar autoritatile din tara noastra spun ca gradul de ocupare din spitale, inclusiv la ATI, ramane totusi unul redus, ceea ce motiveaza decizia lor de a nu impune restrictii mai serioase pentru toata tara.

Chiar daca numarul de cazuri noi de Coronavirus a explodat in ultima perioada, vaccinarea ramane in continuare la un nivel foarte redus, si singura crestere ar putea deveni vizibila abia dupa ce vor incepe sa expire certificatele COVID cu vaccinari mai vechi de 9 luni de zile, adica incepand cu data de 1 februarie.

"In the last 24 hours, 19.371 new cases of people infected with SARS - CoV - 2 (COVID - 19) were registered, 278 less than the previous day. 1.906 of the new cases in 24 hours are from reinfected patients who tested positive more than 180 days after the first infection.

The distribution of total cases and new cases by county can be found in the table below.

No. crt. County Number of confirmed cases (total) Number of newly confirmed cases Incidence recorded at 14 days
1. Alba 37.048 377 5,28
2. Arad 46.886 430 5,11
3. Arges 49.310 399 3,32
4. Bacau 47.353 659 5,22
5. Bihor 58.797 764 8,24
6. Bistrita-Nasaud 22.325 220 6,78
7. Botosani 26.527 480 4,97
8. Braşov 75.792 817 8,50
9. Braila 23.996 50 1,71
10. Buzau 26.428 198 2,83
11. Caras-Severin 20.817 198 3,05
12. Calarasi 18.660 103 1,88
13. Cluj 102.639 1508 13,20
14. Constanta 77.219 526 6,81
15. Covasna 14.038 74 2,29
16. Dambovita 39.058 243 3,02
17. Dolj 48.101 315 2,68
18. Galaţi 47.347 333 3,26
19. Giurgiu 20.862 82 2,34
20. Gorj 16.113 65 1,57
21. Harghita 16.642 260 4,79
22. Hunedoara 39.780 157 5,41
23. Ialomiţa 20.547 52 2,36
24. Iaşi 79.044 781 4,22
25. Ilfov 83.708 836 9,66
26. Maramures 37.558 441 7,69
27. Mehedinti 16.365 68 1,12
28. Mureş 43.666 296 3,68
29. German 35.747 357 5,05
30. Olt 27.233 103 1,43
31. Prahova 67.846 494 3,27
32. Satu Mare 24.664 303 7,02
33. Salaj 20.035 217 5,65
34. Sibiu 47.897 558 6,66
35. Suceava 47.468 660 8,46
36. Teleorman 25.998 107 1,77
37. Timis 100.952 1420 10,91
38. Tulcea 15.222 90 4,05
39. Vaslui 28.555 161 2,12
40. dale 28.410 186 3,03
41. Vrancea 19.451 139 2,67
42. Municipality of Bucharest 338.446 2948 8,77
43. From abroad** 3.727 17
44. New cases not allocated by county   


 TOTAL 2.003.041 19.371


*Regarding the "new cases not allocated by county", we specify that their number is determined by the changes made to the electronic platform through which the test results for the new coronavirus are reported and centralized. Thus, according to the new methodology, the test centers directly enter the results of the tests carried out, following which the epidemiological investigation is carried out at the level of the Public Health Directorates and the positive cases are assigned to the county/locality to which the infected persons belong.

**As for cases from abroad, these are cases of citizens who came to Romania having been infected in other countries. These cases were included in the total of new cases not allocated by county.

The coefficient of cumulative infections per 14 days, reported per 1.000 inhabitants, is calculated by the Directorates of Public Health, at the level of the Municipality of Bucharest and the counties. Below you have the graph made based on the reports received by the CNCCI from the Public Health Directorates:

In total, until today, January 22, 2.003.041 cases of infection with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) were registered on the territory of Romania, of which 29.809 are of re-infected patients, tested positive after a period of more than 180 days after the first infection.

1.819.315 patients were declared cured.

Distinct from the newly confirmed cases, following retesting of patients who were already positive, 897 people were reconfirmed positive. The distribution of these cases by county can be found in the table below.

 No. Crt. COUNTY Positive samples on retest
1 ALBA 10
2 I PLOW 13
3 Arges 15
4 BAKU 28
5 BIHOR 19
8 Braila 3
10 Buzau 9
11 Calarasi 3
12 Caras-Severin 13
13 CLJ extension 34
16 Dambovita 5
17 DOLJ 18
18 Galata 13
20 GORGE 6
23 Ialomita 5
24 IASI 68
25 ILFOV 57
26 Maramures 8
27 Mehedinti 1
29 Mures 17
30 GERMAN 23
31 OLT 12
33 SALAJ 8
35 SIBIU 12
38 Timis 60
40 dale 6
41 row 12
Total 897

Until today, 59.525 people diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died.

În intervalul 21.01.2022 (10:00) – 22.01.2022 (10:00) au fost raportate de către INSP 48 de decese (23 bărbați și 25 femei), dintre care 4 anterioare intervalului de referință, ale unor pacienți infectați cu noul coronavirus, internați în spitalele din Alba, Arad, Argeș, Bacău, Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Botoșani, Brăila, Caraș-Severin, Călărași, Cluj, Constanța, Dolj,  Galați, Harghita, Maramureș, Neamț,  Olt, Prahova, Satu Mare, Teleorman, Timiș, Vaslui, Vrancea și Municipiul București.

Among the 48 deaths, 5 were registered in the age category 50-59 years, 10 in the age category 60-69 years, 14 in the age category 70-79 years and 19 in the age category over 80 years.

46 of the recorded deaths are of patients who had comorbidities, one deceased patient had no comorbidities, and one deceased patient had no comorbidities reported to date.

Of the total of 48 deceased patients, 42 were unvaccinated and 6 vaccinated. Vaccinated patients were between the age groups of 60-69 years and over 80 years. All vaccinated patients who died had comorbidities.

Au fost raportate 4 decese anterioare intervalului de referință, survenite în județul Neamț, în luna decembrie 2021.

In specialized health units, the number of people hospitalized in wards with COVID-19 is 5.548, 143 more than the previous day. Also, 582 people are hospitalized at ATI, 18 more than the previous day. Of the 582 patients admitted to ATI, 70 have a certificate attesting to vaccination.

Din totalul pacienților internați, 490 sunt minori, 486 fiind internați în secții, cu 13 mai mult decât în ziua anterioară și 4 la ATI, cu 8 mai puțin decât ziua anterioară.

Until this date, at the national level, 11.564.022 RT-PCR tests and 6.881.859 rapid antigenic tests have been processed. In the last 24 hours, 26.247 RT-PCR tests (13.037 based on case definition and medical protocol and 13.210 on request) and 50.345 rapid antigen tests were performed.

On the territory of Romania, 103.360 people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus are in isolation at home, and 5.542 people are in institutional isolation. Also, 80.590 people are in home quarantine, and 53 people are in institutionalized quarantine.

In the last 24 hours, 6.677 calls were registered to the single emergency number 112 and 615 to the TELVERDE line (0800 800 358), opened specifically for informing citizens.

As a result of the violation of the provisions of Law no. 55/2020 regarding some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the police and gendarmes applied, on January 21, 1.221 contraventional sanctions, in the amount of 232.650 lei.

Also, through the competent structures of the Police, a criminal file was drawn up yesterday for thwarting the fight against diseases, an act provided for and punished by art. 352 Criminal Code.

We remind citizens that the Ministry of Internal Affairs operationalized, starting on 04.07.2020, a TELVERDE line (0800800165) where violations of health protection rules can be reported.

The calls are taken by a dispatcher, in an integrated system, and distributed to the territorial structures to verify the reported aspects."