The Minister of Health: Breaking News, When the Restrictions and the Imposed Condition Are Lifted

The Minister of Health Announces the Last Time When He Lifts the Condition Restrictions

The Minister of Health revealed to millions of Romanians from all over the country an essential condition for the restrictions imposed due to the Coronavirus pandemic to be lifted, but also when we can expect this to actually happen for our country as well.

The Minister of Health explains below that the evolution of infections with the Omicron variant is the basis of the decision to lift the restrictions in Romania, and apart from that he still recommends vaccinating people, especially when it comes to those who are vulnerable.

"If it is proven in Romania, as in other countries, that this omicron strain produces banal, viral infections in the vast majority of people, obviously the restrictions will be lifted, and I am also waiting for the moment when the state of alert will be lifted, for that it is obviously important for everyone after more than 2 years.

I think people have less patience, but I advise them to be patient for another month, a month and a half. I think the end of March is a reasonable deadline, and even more, until then I think we can think about how we can have different types of activities. I had repeated meetings with industry from various sectors.

I made this statement before, it was only partially accepted, vaccination stops the transmissibility of this strain to a small extent, but on the other hand the figures, at least the figures from Romania, prove that the vaccinated people have a serious form of the disease, or if we are talking about death, in a ratio of 8 to 10.

That is, 8 unvaccinated people have a serious form of the disease, versus 2 vaccinated people, so it is clear that this difference is significant, and this pleads in favor of continuing vaccination during this period as well. People must have the vaccine at their disposal, a package of information at their disposal, they must be vaccinated knowing the cause.

During this pandemic, both our society and others have revealed one thing, intolerance. Intolerance that stood out through 2 attitudes: either an extreme pro-vaccination attitude, which promoted the obligation, forcing, etc., and the opposite attitude, denying the usefulness of vaccination, and this is not right because there are elderly people with chronic diseases , who may have listened to the last one and had severe forms, or died."