CEC Bank: IMPORTANT Message Sent to Romanian Customers

CEC Bank IMPORTANT Message Sent to Romanian Customers

CEC Bank sends all its clients in Romania an extremely important message that all of them should know about, and this is because we are talking about a measure that benefits them. Those at CEC Bank have entered the digital age for some time, so they offer their clients both mobile banking and internet banking services, of course for those who are really interested in taking advantage of them, and the benefits they provide I bring them.

CEC Bank offers, in this sense, the possibility to use the CEC Bank Mobile application to make money transfers between accounts from the same bank, or from other banks, but with dedicated benefits. As you can see in the image below, CEC Bank allows clients from Romania to send money to other people abroad with commissions that are reduced by 60% compared to the normal value, excellent news for any client.

CEC Bank: IMPORTANT Message Sent to Romanian Customers

CEC Bank offers several benefits for its customers from all over Romania, they are listed directly on its website, but obliges customers to also use the phone application, or the website, to authorize transactions. We are talking here both about online payments made by any of CEC Bank's clients in Romania or abroad, but also about the money transfers they make from their own accounts, all of which have a double verification system.

CEC Bank has thought of everything in such a way that it can be easily used by any of the clients who need to use its services, which of course is an extremely good measure. Details about the application that CEC Bank offers are available both on its website and in the App Store or Google Play Store, where the application is distributed to any Romanian willing to take advantage of its functionalities.

CEC Bank recommends all Romanians to install the application for iPhone and Android exclusively from these two stores, and this in order not to risk using a pirated version in their phones.