European Commission: Russia's Disinformation Regarding the War in Ukraine

European Commission Russian Disinformation Ukraine War

The European Commission thought to show the citizens of Europe, but also of the whole world, what kind of untrue information is published both on international social networks and those in Russia, but also on some pro-Russian television, but which was the official attitude of the country.

"The cycle of death and lies orchestrated by the Kremlin follows the same recipe, regardless of the subject it is trying to misrepresent, according to EU vs Disinformation.


When Kramatorsk railway station was the target of a missile attack by Russian armed forces on April 8, killing dozens of innocent people fleeing the horrors of war, Russia was quick to shift the blame to Ukraine, EU vs Disinformation says.

As if on cue, Russia first tried to deny responsibility, then, unable to hide this atrocity anymore, began to minimize and distort the facts.

This time, he questioned the missiles used in the attack, falsely claiming that Russia no longer uses Tochka-U missiles like the ones that hit the station.

Also, when the world learned about the horrifically brutal acts that Russian troops committed against peaceful civilians in Bucea, pro-Kremlin disinformation channels used the same well-rehearsed scenario, EU vs Disinformation shows."