WhatsApp: Decision Announced OFFICIALLY, which Launched for iPhone and Android

WhatsApp Decision Announced OFFICIAL Released iPhone Android

WhatsApp has officially announced a new change launched for iPhone and Android phones around the world, and as usual we are talking about measures that are thought for the good of all those who use the messaging platform. More precisely, WhatsApp has launched a new special functionality for English and Spanish speakers that allows people to find out more information about vaccination.

WhatsApp talks below about a special phone number that allows people to find out, most likely from a bot, information about vaccination, official information that they can trust. Considering that WhatsApp is full of false information about vaccination, this initiative by the American company is an extremely good one, one that should be taken advantage of by anyone who is eager to learn information from experts on vaccination.

WhatsApp: Decision Announced OFFICIALLY, which Launched for iPhone and Android

WhatsApp promotes this major change because it brings for everyone, even if much later than it was necessary in reality, the possibility to discover valid information about vaccination from the platform. Of course, after 2 years of disinformation within WhatsApp, the company takes this step when the world has become clear about vaccination, and either chose to do it, or fell to the other extreme and will not vaccinate again, regardless of the situation.

WhatsApp explains above why it made this move, and what benefits it should bring, but it is quite clear that something like this was needed much earlier than it actually happened. Of course, this is part of the multiple initiatives that WhatsApp is carrying out during this period to substantially improve the experience of using the platform, and many others will come soon, because the interest is for the application to be substantially modified.

WhatsApp is preparing some of the biggest changes to its platform ever, so it will be interesting to see how long it will take until we finally have them available.