Vladimir Putin: The West is Creating a Major Economic Crisis

Vladimir Putin The West is Creating a Major Economic Crisis

Vladimir Putin accuses the West of creating a major economic crisis, and this is because of the sanctions that have been imposed against Russia until now, some of them affecting the countries that imposed them, something that was of course to be expected, but something which generates hardships for the citizens of those countries.

Vladimir Putin has stated that the Russian economy will survive the sanctions imposed by the West, a variety of measures have already been applied to counter everything that has been imposed so far by Western countries, and we are talking about quite a few very important restrictions now in place in force.

"The blame for this lies entirely with the elites of Western countries, who are ready to sacrifice the rest of the world to maintain their global dominance.

Russia confidently faces external challenges thanks to both responsible macroeconomic policies in recent years and systemic decisions to strengthen economic, technological and food security sovereignty."