Coronavirus Romania: New Number of New Cases from May 19, 2022

Coronavirus Romania New Number of New Cases May 19, 2022

The coronavirus generates new cases of infection in Romania every day, the authorities in our country confirm daily what is happening in our country, and as you already know, there are hundreds of people who are confirmed to be infected throughout the country.

The coronavirus has a much more aggressive course in Europe, in various countries there are tens of thousands of new infections every day, which of course represents a serious problem for the respective nations, but things are starting to get better, including outside Romania.

Romania's pandemic situation is surprisingly good, and this is because the number of new cases of Coronavirus continues to decrease constantly, and the authorities do not expect things to get worse in the coming months, at least until the fall.

The final figures for May 19, 2022 will be announced after 13:00 p.m.

"In the last 24 hours, 467 new cases of people infected with SARS - CoV - 2 (COVID - 19) were registered, 46 less than the previous day. 59 of the new cases in 24 hours are from reinfected patients who tested positive more than 90 days after the first infection.

*Regarding the "new cases not allocated by county", we specify that their number is determined by the changes made to the electronic platform through which the test results for the new coronavirus are reported and centralized.

**As for cases from abroad, these are cases of citizens who came to Romania having been infected in other countries. These cases were included in the total of new cases not allocated by county.

Distinct from the newly confirmed cases, following retesting of patients who were already positive, 40 people were reconfirmed positive.

In specialized health units, the number of people hospitalized in wards with COVID-19 is 711, 49 less than the previous day. Also, 125 people are hospitalized at ATI, 8 more than the previous day. Of the 125 patients admitted to ATI, 113 are unvaccinated.

Out of the total number of admitted patients, 53 are minors, all of them admitted to wards, 7 less than the previous day and 0 in ATI, the same as the previous day.


Until today, 65.640 people diagnosed with SarsCov-2 infection have died.

In the interval 18.05.2022 (10:00) – 19.05.2022 (10:00) 4 deaths (men) were reported by INSP, of which 1 death was reported before the reference interval.

Of the 4 deaths, 1 was registered in the age category 60-69 years, 1 in the age category 70-79 years and 2 in the age category over 80 years.

All registered deaths are of patients who had comorbidities.

All 4 deceased patients were unvaccinated.


In the last 24 hours, 4.844 RT-PCR tests (2.539 based on case definition and medical protocol and 2.305 on request) and 13.218 rapid antigen tests were performed. Until this date, at the national level, 13.073.662 RT-PCR tests and 9.951.105 rapid antigen tests have been processed."