Minister of Health: Last Minute Information with the Decision for Concerned Romanians

Minister of Health Last Minute Information Decision of Concerned Romanians

The Minister of Health brings to the attention of millions of Romanians all over the country an official message with an information that everyone should have in mind at the moment, and this is because below we have official information about the monkey pox, which was detected in some European countries.

The Minister of Health said yesterday about the fact that an information from the WHO regarding everything the general public should know about monkeypox was also taken over by the ministry he leads, and below you have the information main factors related to this disease.

"Several countries in the WHO European Region have reported confirmed or probable cases of monkeypox since early May 2022. This is not a common occurrence. All but one of the other recently reported cases did not travel to an endemic area.

 This is unusual and therefore further investigations are underway to determine the likely source and extent of the infection to limit further spread. WHO works with countries concerned, facilitating information sharing and supporting surveillance, testing, infection prevention, clinical management, risk communication and community engagement.

Anyone who has close contact with someone with monkeypox can become infected. It is important to understand that monkeypox does not spread easily between people, but requires close contact. Most of the recent cases presented to STD clinics where they tested negative for common STDs.

Symptoms can be mild or severe, and the lesions can be very itchy or painful. These include blistering rashes all over the body or lesions concentrated on any part of the body. Most of the cases that have recently presented to sexual health clinics in Europe have had rashes and lesions on the genitals and anus. The rash or lesions may be accompanied by fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and sores in the mouth and eyes. Most patients recover within a few weeks without treatment.

Any person presenting with an unusual rash should consult a doctor. Any patient with suspected monkeypox should be investigated and isolated during the suspected and known infectious periods, that is, during the prodromal and rash stages of the disease. Timely contact tracing, surveillance measures and risk communication among healthcare providers are aimed at preventing further cases and effectively managing the current epidemic.”