Minister of Health: Officially Adopted Last Minute Measures for Millions of People

Minister of Health Last Minute Measures Officially Adopted Millions of People

The Minister of Health has adopted a series of very important changes that will have a major impact on millions of Romanians throughout the country in the immediate future, and this is because we are talking about decisions related to the optional vaccination of people at the family doctors they are registered with, or not.

The Minister of Health modified by order 1.392 of May 13, 2022 the procedure that must be completed before the vaccines are administered, but also the one that must be followed after the initial examination of the patients, and all these changes are already in force, the order having already been published in the Official Gazette of Romania.

"Administration of optional vaccines to the beneficiaries provided for in title D point 2. Family doctors have the obligation to carry out the vaccination of the beneficiaries registered on their own list of insured persons, of the beneficiaries registered on the list of insured persons of another family doctor whom they are replacing, in all replacement situations of a doctor provided by the legislation in force, respectively: replacement convention and reciprocity convention.

Vaccination is carried out after a medical consultation confirming the health status of the child. Vaccination and the medical consultation provided constitute the vaccination service. Within a vaccination service, one or two types of vaccines are inoculated according to the National Vaccination Calendar.

The medical consultation provided within the vaccination service pursues distinct objectives from the consultations within the prevention and prophylaxis medical services settled by the health insurance companies, as follows.

Exclusion of medical situations that temporarily or definitively contraindicate vaccination, evaluation of the epidemiological context, as appropriate, clinical examination, counseling of the children's parents or legal guardians regarding post-vaccination reactions and the therapeutic attitude in case of their occurrence, registration in the RENV, tracking the occurrence of RAPI and reporting them. The vaccination medical service is recorded in the primary records of primary care medical offices.

The estimated average cost/vaccination is calculated as the ratio between the actual expenses expressed and the number of vaccinations performed. The actually incurred expenses represent the expenses related to the doses of vaccine and syringes used and the provision of services for the vaccination services to which are added the general expenses that include the value of the goods used for administrative purposes, the expenses related to the transport of vaccines and the maintenance, maintenance, metrology of the cold spaces, expenses related to product losses, as well as expenses resulting from the maintenance of the informational and IT system necessary for the running of the program."