NATO Announces Exercise Defender Europe 22 Under US Leadership

NATO Announces Exercise Defender Europe 22 Under US Leadership

NATO has officially announced a new defensive exercise that is led by the USA during this period, and it takes place all over Europe, it being carried out under the name Denfeder Europe 22, and just like the others, it involves multiple partners of the alliance, 11 countries sending soldiers for him.

NATO carries out these exercises throughout Europe, with over 6.000 soldiers involved in various actions whose purpose is to increase the interoperability between the allied forces in order to be prepared in the event of a military intervention in the future.

“#DefenderEurope22, a US-led defensive exercise, is taking place across Europe. More than 3.000 US service members and nearly 6.000 multinational members from 11 #NATO and partner countries are participating. 

The exercise scenario demonstrates the US military's ability to rapidly deploy a large, combat-credible force of US soldiers and equipment to Europe, sharpening the Alliance's readiness to deter any potential adversary. 

Exercise activities include several live fire exercises, road marches and river crossings. Together we are stronger. Planning for Defender Europe 22 began in 2021 and is not a response to any specific threat or adversary.”

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