Google Warns Regarding Cyber ​​Attacks and Disinformation in Ukraine

Google Warns Regarding Cyber ​​Attacks Disinformation Ukraine

Google says that the war in Ukraine shows us how far cyber attacks have evolved, as well as those regarding disinformation, revealing what could happen in the future throughout the world if methods are not found from now on to solve these problems be solved before it affects hundreds of millions of people.

Ukraine was the target of cyber attacks and massive disinformation during the war with Russia, and this is because modern war no longer means only tanks, planes and artillery, but also cyber attacks on the infrastructure of countries, or mass disinformation about the realities around to all people.

Google says that the countries of the world should find ways to prevent the spread of cyber attack tactics and disinformation to other areas of the globe, and this is because the problems for the whole world could be huge if things are not kept under control right from the start. Ukraine.

Ukraine has repeatedly reported that it is the target of many cyber attacks based on the Russian military, something that of course should cause a lot of concern among many people, but unfortunately these types of attacks are not only very difficult to predicted, but also very difficult to stop, in the end.