The dangerous effects of the heat wave for Romanians, according to the authorities

The dangerous effects of the Romanian heatwave to the authorities

The dangerous effects of the heat wave on the population should not be ignored by the millions of Romanians all over the country during this period when the temperatures approach 40 degrees, or even more in the sun, and this is because, unfortunately, shootings can also happen, and the authorities explain why below.

The effects of the heatwave on the health of the population!

There is a period with high temperatures and a high thermal discomfort index (temperature-humidity index - ITU), which can cause negative effects on the health of the population in the county, especially for children, the elderly and people with disabilities or chronic diseases (they can swelling, cardiac or respiratory problems appear).

On the streets with hot asphalt and among the buildings radiating heat, even the healthiest organism can fail. Without adequate hydration, which maintains the body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius, heat cramps, heat stroke, exhaustion or hyperthermic shock can occur.

Heat cramps appear in the abdomen, arms, lower limbs, especially when we sweat profusely during demanding physical activities. In these conditions, any physical activity will be stopped, and the patient will rest in a cool place. Intense physical activities can be resumed after several hours, when the heat has subsided.

It is recommended to drink liquids such as water, natural fruit juices or drinks containing minerals and vitamins (Ca, Mg, Zn, vitamin C). If these cramps last more than an hour, medical consultation is necessary.

Exhaustion caused by high temperatures occurs after several days of excessive heat and is manifested by drowsiness, the feeling of weakness and fatigue, restless sleep or insomnia. These conditions can be combated by resting and resting in cool places, drinking fluids, and if the symptoms continue, the doctor's help will be requested.

Sunstroke is caused by the direct and prolonged exposure of the body to the sun. It is manifested by: violent headaches, drowsiness, nausea and eventual loss of consciousness, fever and sometimes skin burns. The risk of sunstroke is much higher in children. Therefore, prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, especially between 11am and 18pm.

The person who has sunstroke will be taken to the shade, trying to cool the body with ice or cold water, ventilation, administration of a consistent amount of liquid.

Hyperthermic shock is a medical emergency. It appears as a result of the body's inability to maintain its normal temperature, which rises quickly, reaching/exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.

The symptoms of shock are: the skin is very warm, red and dry, violent headaches, disorientation and loss of consciousness (fainting), possibly convulsions.

In this case, the emergency medical service will be requested (112 - Rescue). Until her arrival, the patient will be taken to the shade, doused with cold water, if possible, the person will be given a cold shower. Without prompt medical attention, hyperthermic shock can be fatal.


  • Movements are recommended in the early hours of the morning or in the evening, as much as possible through shaded areas, alternating movement with rest, in air-conditioned spaces (shops, public spaces);
  • Avoid crowds, exposure to the sun, intense physical exertion between 11:00 and 18:00;
  • Wear loose, thin, light-colored clothing, hats and sunglasses;
  • Drink 1,5 - 2 liters of fluids per day, not too cold, water, natural fruit juices and warm teas (elder, chamomile, nettles);
  • Eat fruits and vegetables (watermelon, plums, tomatoes) or yogurt (the equivalent of a glass of water); eat balanced and varied, insisting on products with low caloric value;
  • Avoid drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola) or sugar (carbonated juices) in large quantities;
  • Avoid foods with a high fat content, especially of animal origin;
  • Don't drink alcohol (including beer) – it dehydrates you and makes you a potential victim of heatstroke;
  • Keep in touch with the elderly (relatives, neighbors, people with disabilities), taking an interest in their health and offering them assistance whenever they need it;
  • Do not leave children/pets alone in cars;
  • Ask for the advice of the family doctor at the slightest sign of suffering, manifested by you or your child;
  • Create an environment that does not overload the body's ability to adapt;
  • People suffering from various ailments will continue their treatment as directed by the doctor. It is very useful to consult the attending physician during the hot season, in order to adapt the therapeutic scheme to the existing conditions;
  • In order to improve conditions at the workplace, the intensity and pace of physical activities will be reduced, dynamic effort will be alternated with static one, and work periods will be alternated with rest periods, in shaded or properly ventilated places.

Great attention must be paid to children, the elderly and people with disabilities, periodically offering them fluids, even if they are not requested. Parents should avoid leaving the house with the child during high temperatures, especially if it is a baby (0-12 months). If travel is necessary, then the child will be dressed casually, even if he is up to 9 months old, and his head will be covered with a sun hat. The child should be left uncovered when sleeping.

Bathing in cold water is not recommended because large temperature differences can cause shock. It is good to avoid outdoor activities that require high energy consumption (sports, gardening, etc.) on days with high temperatures.

The heat outside causes us to prefer the comfort of air-conditioned rooms, forgetting the risks we are subject to - we forget about the microorganisms that can develop in a humid environment, but also the precautions we must take when we go outside rooms equipped with air conditioning.

We can cause thermal shock in the situation where the temperature difference between outside and inside does not respect the ideal value, namely of only 5 degrees Celsius.