Minister of Health: Consistent increase in COVID infections, where problems can arise

Minister of Health Increase the consistency of COVID infections where the problems appear

The Minister of Health spoke again last night about the 6th wave of infections generated by COVID in Romania, stating that there is a consistent increase in the number of new cases in our country, and as their number will continue to be high, it is expected to cause problems in certain localities in the country.

The Minister of Health says that in the localities with a high number of inhabitants, the biggest problems are expected to occur due to the large number of infections, Bucharest being one of them, but the authorities have already started to prepare for this situation, saying that for now the situation it's under control, without the need for the world to be scared.

"At this moment we have no reason to worry if we refer to the situation of hospitalizations, the situation of deaths, the situation is under control, there are no special problems. Problems can arise, for example, in an area or in a locality where there is a higher number of cases, and Bucharest is one of these destinations.

A third of the registered cases occurred in Bucharest, and that is why we considered it necessary to prepare, not to scare the world, in any case, but on the contrary to give confidence to the population that we are in favor of measures to keep things under control control, on the one hand, to inform public opinion, and if, God forbid, more serious problems arise, to manage them without jeopardizing the development of economic and social activities.

This is what we want the most, not to have problems, and not to need special measures, but on the contrary we try to have a life as close to normality as possible, especially since there are enough reasons for concern in other areas, not in the medical area. But seeing what is happening in Europe, a large number of cases in Western Europe, a consistent increase in Romania, I already had a first meeting with the representatives of the hospitals, public health departments in Bucharest and the Bucharest ambulance station.

It is necessary to have the same diagnostic resources available to the population. Hospitals are always an important element, but the fact that in the fifth wave of the pandemic we had few victims was due to the preparation of the pre-hospital system, and I am referring here to family doctors, to those outpatient evaluation and treatment centers.

We had almost 200 such centers all over the country, we need to put them back into operation, so that if people have problems and are diagnosed with an infection, they can go to their family doctor, or for more aggressive forms, they can go to these centers evaluation and treatment. The hospital is the last option, but we don't want to block hospital activity."