Volodymyr Zelensky: Western weapons of the latest generation are operating at maximum capacity in Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelensky Western weapons of the latest generation are operating at maximum capacity in Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelensky officially announced today the fact that the latest generation Western weapons sent to the Ukrainian army have begun to work at maximum capacity on the front, so thanks to them, many of the attacks launched by Russia are repelled, but they can also be initiated and counterattacks.

The Ukrainian army managed to destroy strategic targets of the Russian army, i.e. weapons depots and important locations for the logistics of supplying the troops on the front, which of course slows down the attacks that Russia launches every day against the various areas of Ukraine that they want to conquer them.

The Russian offensive has been substantially reduced thanks to the counteroffensives of the Ukrainian army, although the country's cities are not attacked as often and as strongly, but Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly said that more state-of-the-art weapons are needed so that the war is not lost by his country.