(VIDEO) Beating Traffic with the Lever Close to Sibiu Airport

VIDEO Beating Leverierul Traffic Near Sibiu Airport

A fight in traffic near the airport in Sibiu was captured in a video clip filmed by one of the drivers who was in traffic at the moment when two dump truck drivers attacked the driver of a minibus, one of them also having a lever in his hand hand, with which he charged to hit the driver who is the victim of the altercation.

The footage below shows us the last part of the altercation, when a man manages to separate the 3 involved in this incident, while one of the drivers of a dump truck is still trying to hit the driver of the minibus with the lever, who does not retaliated in some way while this filming took place, without knowing what happened before.

This is not the first altercation of this kind that has been caught in traffic in Romania, and it won't be the last, considering how nervous drivers get when they drive on public roads, but of course the authorities have a habit of intervening in such cases to identify aggressive drivers and fine them.

For now, the Romanian Police has not announced whether or not it has started to investigate this incident on its own initiative, although it can do so, and to fine the aggressor drivers for the altercation that took place in Sibiu, but it is not excluded to do so, especially that the registration numbers of at least one dump truck are clearly visible in the footage.