Minister of Health: Last Minute Measures Announced at the Beginning of Wave 6 in Romania

The Minister of Health spoke in a new statement about the measures that are applied at the beginning of the 6th wave of infections generated by the Coronavirus in Romania, the government official confirming the fact that the same scenario as in the 5th wave will be used, and this is because he allowed maintaining functional hospitals.

The Minister of Health makes it clear that the mask would not become mandatory again in Romania unless the number of new cases increases sufficiently for such a measure to be necessary, and then only the Government of Romania will be able to impose it at the entire level countries

"The mask has returned to health facilities, we have a legal basis that allows each health facility, or the management of each health facility, including family doctors' offices, to use the mask, both personally and for patients to prevent nosocomial transmission of various types of infections, and here I also include the infection with the new Coronavirus, it is an order from 2016.

If we discuss the mask, in general, however, in congested spaces and in public transport, we can only make a recommendation at the moment, but obviously if there will be a situation that endangers the health system in as regards his degree of absorption of patients, whether with cases of COVID, or other pathologies, we will certainly present this situation, and the Romanian Government can take the measures it deems necessary.

We can talk about the 6th wave, for now we are in the course of the summer, until autumn we have about 2 months, at least from a calendar point of view, so it is clear that during this period we must be prepared to respond to the challenges of this 6th wave generated by strains transmissible. Fortunately, they are not more pathogenic, in the sense that the forms of the disease they produce are generally mild.

We have already reached 25.000 cases per week in Romania. We estimate that there will continue to be growth, probably until the middle of August, and this must go in parallel with a prepared health system, especially in its ambulatory area. To take patients with mild or medium forms who need treatment and evaluation.

We are applying the same scenario from the previous wave that allowed the hospitals to remain functional, did not overcrowd the hospitals even from the point of view of COVID patients, and on the other hand allowed the access of patients with other pathologies to medical assistance. This should be the philosophy, we have reopened the outpatient evaluation and treatment centers, we are increasing the testing capacity."