Minister of Education: Last Moment, Important Decision, What Students in Schools Can Choose

The Minister of Education Last Moment Important Decision Students Could Choose Schools

The Minister of Education confirms to the Romanians an extremely important decision based on which the millions of students from all over Romania will have the opportunity to choose within the schools which will be the discipline for which they will be able to have their skills evaluated at the baccalaureate, and for which they will also receive a certification based on evaluation.

The Minister of Education says that this test at the student's choice will allow him to choose the discipline in which his skills will be evaluated, and the school will be obliged to organize that test to be able to evaluate the skills that the student considers he has.

"The new Baccalaureate verifies basic skills in all disciplines. To the subjects from the common core, more precisely to Romanian and mathematics, to physics, chemistry, and to biology, to geography and to history, to a discipline from the package of socio-humanities, i.e. sociology, philosophy, logic.

I have seen a lot in the public opinion "come on sir, leave it to us that in the 12th grade the children are mainly preparing for the subjects they have at the baccalaureate". Well brothers, then why do they still go to school if they only prepare for those subjects. Are you going to register your presence? Better not. So it's a way of checking the basic skills in all these subjects that not I, but experts in the sciences of education, say we need to check the skills.

The differentiation is made in the test that the candidate can choose. He wants to prove that he is a good programmer, he wants to prove that he is good in foreign literature, in any other field, to have the opportunity to do it. The school is obliged to organize that test in which he can demonstrate his skills at a personalized level, adapted to him.

Everyone is running after this goal, my discipline should be in the common trunk, my discipline should be learned by all students. If he still insists on being so present in the preparation of all students, isn't it fair to evaluate their skills in an exam, which other than the baccalaureate? I insist that my discipline, chemistry, be in the common trunk, and I make an important plea for chemistry in the development of the individual.

Well, if I insist that it be in the common trunk, isn't it normal to also check the level of basic skills? I say that it is important for a student to have chemistry skills, so let's check them. Where do I check them? At the baccalaureate, but basic, I emphasize, not advanced."