The Police Caught a Ferrari Driving at 230 KM/h on the Autostrada in Romania

Police Caught Ferrari Driving 230 KM h Romanian Highway

The police continue their work of monitoring public roads in Romania, and today they present to us one of their recent "successes", namely the detection of a Ferrari traveling at a speed of 230 km/h on a highway in Romania.

In these situations, the Police has the right to suspend the driver's license for a period of 4 months, and to apply a substantial fine because we are talking about exceeding the legal speed by 100 km/h on a public road.

"Nice to find yourself behind the wheel of such a jewel on four wheels. Cars in this category are built to achieve well above average performance…hundreds of horsepower.

Just a small detail. They can reach very high speeds, but the maximum speed allowed on the highway is 130 km/h.

Why? For safety!

#Road Safety for you, for me, for us! For all those who drive on the streets and roads of our beautiful homeland!

This is the limit! The hashtag above!

PS: And yes, he lost his driver's license!"