Surprise from WhatsApp, Unexpected Change Presented for Phones

Surprise WhatsApp Unexpected Change Presented Phones

WhatsApp, the largest messaging platform in the world, has presented a completely unexpected change for iPhone and Android. In the long list of changes that the American company is working on now, we can mention one that will allow the announcement of changes for everyone.

WhatsApp, as you can see in the image below, is going to help us discover more quickly and easily what news will be offered to us. If until now we had to check the change lists for the application updates through the App Store or Google Play Store, soon we will find out everything directly from the application.

This idea is thought in the form of an official conversation in which WhatsApp will send us information about all the changes they make. When we see a notification like the one below in the application, we will be able to activate the official chat through which we will be notified about the released changes.

WhatsApp includes an official chat in the application

WhatsApp will publish in this chat only the important functions that have been officially launched for us, and everything even if we do not have the latest version of the application. Through the messages we receive, we will be notified about the major changes that will be offered so that we can update the application to enjoy them.

Surprise WhatsApp Unexpected Change Presented Official chat phones

The idea itself is a very good one, and this is because we no longer have to look for information about changes on WhatsApp accounts on social networks. Of course, there will be a limited set of details that will be revealed in the messages from this conversion, but there will probably also be links to the platform's website.

WhatsApp wants to help users with iPhone and Android phones to always be well informed about all the major changes in its application. In this way, his message reaches even more people faster, and this is because it is very likely that hundreds of millions, or maybe over 1 billion people will activate this official chat.

WhatsApp work for now on this change, so it remains to be seen how long it will be available until it is officially released for us.